Thursday, July 31, 2014

In Just

The intent of the poem "in Just", from my view point is that the writer is writing about spring coming and kids playing at the park.

There is an adult man that is happy to inform the kids in the area that spring is here and it is time to play and have fun.

This person the (balloonman) is an individual that is child friendly and likes to see children have fun, and promotes happy times. I believe the writer had this type of experience as a child and wants to share this with all his readers.

The writer is very colorful in his writing to get his point across by describing activities that the kids are engaging in.

In summary this is a man that enjoys spring and seeing kids at play outdoors having fun with friends.

1 comment:

  1. What are your thoughts/analysis about this poem? What you've written is a bit more of a summary than an analysis. What do you think about it? Did the writing itself get the point across well? Did it bring you along for the ride? Did the friendliness seem honest or contrived? And, for your analysis, what specific elements give you that impression.
