Monday, August 25, 2014

Eric's Critique From Week #5

After reviewing the critique of Eric's week 5 work completed by Nikita Driscoll. I feel that the critique was very complicated to understand. The mechanics were very strong. Overall the critique was not valuable to me due to it being very complicated.

The critique was very complicated to me regarding its length. Also the wording used was very difficult to follow the point the writer was trying to get across. There was a lack of quotes to verify the points that were made.

Mechanics were a very strong point in this work. The grammar and punctuation was very well done. Spelling was done with perfection. The mechanics were the strongest point from my perspective review.

This essay was not valuable to me due to the wording used was very hard for me to follow. The flow seemed to be out of order regarding the points that were weak and which were meant to be strong, for example weakest to strongest points in that order. The thesis statement was clear with fair transition sentences.

In conclusion the work was very hard to follow and complicated which the points are listed above. Mechanics were the strong point and were done well. The essay had no value to me and was to complicated and hard to understand the important points.

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