Analysis and Response, Pre-Writing
Digging by Seamus Heaney
The writer is writing about a child of a father and
grandfather that were hard working potato farmers.
The son of the potato farmers was not following in
their footsteps as far as farming.
The child’s life was made easier by the hard work of
father and grandfather.
The essay will be an analysis and response to
Digging by Seamus Heaney. The writer is writing about a child that is
reflecting on the hard work of his father and grandfather, who had a potato
farm. They made the life of their children financially sound so they wouldn’t
have to struggle and do hard manual labor. This child will use his mind versus
manual labor in this career.
I can relate to this child mentioned in this poem “ a young man is sitting by
the window with a pen in his hand”.(Heaney 1-2) reflecting on the hard work of
this father and grandfather on the their potato farm. I sit and reflect on
history and how ways of the past made life better for me. It is good to reflect
on history that made you what you are today. This can bring you to reality
which we sometimes forget. The child his looking/reflecting at what was the
cause of his life is now.
The hard
work of the father and grandfather of the boy who was reflecting in the above
paragraph was the reason why “he will not have to do the hard labors like his
family before him (Heaney 12). They are planning for their children’s financial
future and stability. They had worked daily to raise the farm and made a foundation
for their family through manual labor and strategic planning. If this was not
done this way they would have had to be responsible to do the hard manual
of this hard manual work of this child’s father and grandfather “this person
can work so that perhaps he could get an education”(Heaney 9-10) and work with
his mind instead of his back. A good education will make this child potentially
have a job that is clean and that there is no manual labor involved in. If his
father and grandfather did not follow the path they did this may not have been
possible of financial feasible. An education today could be a wealth of
knowledge to enhance someone’s future.
In summary
the writer made a solid point on this child reflecting on the hard work of his
father and grandfather on the potato farm. The hard work was necessary for their
future and children so they could be financially stable to allow their children
the opportunity to an education, and not have to do hard manual labor. The
children could get educated and work with their minds and not their backs.
Argument Essay:
The Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King is one sided
text that explains that all people that love horror movies are mentally ill, in
some form or another. I feel that this piece of work has no factual proof that
all people that love horror movies are mentally ill, the story
is one sided and the writer
should have a study completed before writing such a story.
Stephen King has factual evidence listed that all people
that love scary movies are mentally ill in some way, form or another. Apparently
this relates to his personal feelings and opinions on horror movies. From my
prospective this is a very opinionated story to write without proof. Stephen is
stereotyping all those who have interest in these types of movies, which is
wrong in my opinion. I enjoy these types of movies and can say I’m not mentally
ill. I take offence this story as I am sure others do as well for example
statements like “If we are all
insane, then sanity becomes a matter of degree” (King 8).
As l said above Stephen king has no evidence based
information regarding illness and creates an argument that “most people that
love scary movies are mentally ill” (King 1-2). This is a one side story;
Stephen gives no other opinion on this statement. Readers need to be aware that
there was no research or input from anyone considering such a statement and
view besides the author himself. The arguments that I feel the author should
have considered when writing are, how will this affect readers, the need to
research/ surveying individuals who enjoy the movies. Also, it may be helpful to interview
individuals who may have expertise in this type of information to have both
sides listed as far as why people love scary movies. Stephen may have just
personal experience with someone that is mentally ill, who loves scary movies
which should have no judgment on everyone else that like these movies.
Stephen should have had an evidence based study completed
before writing this one sided story. In order to have the writer read and
gather good useful information that should be factual information from stated
in his work. This type of study should been completed by mental health research
professionals. If there was evidence that this was factual regarding this it
may help treat those suffering from this type of illness.
In summary Stephen King has no factual proof that most
people that love scary movies are mentally ill in some form or another as
described above. This is one sided and just Stephens’ opinion regarding this subject.
There was no evidence based studies completed.
Revision Strategies Essay:
After reading the essay written by Justin, regarding his
life as a young 18 year old Asian male who likes night life and partying. The thesis
is very clear, there many errors with spelling and grammar. Also, a main point
of the writer is repeated throughout the essay over several paragraphs until he
believes his point is understandable, which can be clarified in one substantial
The thesis statement is very clear and easy to understand
the writers point that he has discovered he is “good at (The Night Life), spending $$ on fashion (Clothes, Attractive
Girls), clubbing and enjoying delicious food”( Justin, 3-4). Justin is very
colorful in his thesis statement explaining what he enjoys in life and what he wants
the reader to understand.
There are many errors in spelling and grammar through the
essay for example in the in the thesis statement (The Night Life), Spending $$
on Fashion (Clothes, Attractive Girls), Clubbing and enjoying delicious food(
Justin, 3-4) Above listed is miss use of commas, dollar signs and
capitalization of letters is in mid-sentence is incorrect.
The main point of nightlife is repeated throughout many
paragraphs which can cause the reader to become distracted. I feel that
explaining about his night life activities can be described in one paragraph to
convey an idea to the reader.
In conclusion the writer had written a good thesis statement
as far as getting his points across to the reader. There were many errors in grammar
and spelling as described above which makes a weak essay. The paragraphs describing
night life also can be clarified in one paragraph instead of being repeated which
can be very confusing for the reader. Also the essay is very lengthy and jumps
from point to point before a clear point is made. The writer must edit this
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