Thursday, July 31, 2014

We Real Cool

My view point of the intent of the poem "We Real Cool" is about a young person that quit school and engages in undesirable activity.

The person in this poem, along with friends are aware that the decisions they have made are bad. These decisions are destine to cause them to live short lives.

It is apparent that there is illegal drugs involved and this may be the influence on this person quitting school and knowing that the consequence is early death.

This person is very choppy and delusional in his wording and some what unclear in getting his point across in the text.

In Just

The intent of the poem "in Just", from my view point is that the writer is writing about spring coming and kids playing at the park.

There is an adult man that is happy to inform the kids in the area that spring is here and it is time to play and have fun.

This person the (balloonman) is an individual that is child friendly and likes to see children have fun, and promotes happy times. I believe the writer had this type of experience as a child and wants to share this with all his readers.

The writer is very colorful in his writing to get his point across by describing activities that the kids are engaging in.

In summary this is a man that enjoys spring and seeing kids at play outdoors having fun with friends.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Musee des Beaux Arts

My focus regarding this poem was on how there is good and bad in the world and how things change.

After reading it is apparent to me that you can go from suffering to something changing for the better. Different people perceive situations different and react to bad and good in a different manner. Also, another point that was of interest to me was if you need someone to help you get through a difficult situation you can seek help and it will be there.

This is a very deeply worded poem with a lot of meaning on the ups and downs in life and how life can change, and how it can be perceived different. The above is my understanding/perception after reading.

Woman's Work

I focused on the part of this poem where this women had hardship growing up which made her a stronger person.

This women was a very dedicated homemaker and parent. Her values were very strong regarding raising a family and keeping a good home. This women is very systematic in her priorities concerning her daily chores. Her hopes of her daughter following in her footsteps is important to her and she tries to be a role model. If this takes place she would be a proud parent.

In conclusion to summarizing this poem this women has very strong character and values as a parent.

Friday, July 25, 2014

On the Amtrak From Boston to New York City

The part of this poem that I focused on was the train ride and that there was such a kind person that was willing to listen and not correct this persons' wrong information. The information was what this individual wanted to believe and was looking for a listener. Also, she was kind enough to bring this person a drink from the food car. This person had a great deal of respect for elders and people of a different color. The information that was being talked about was of no interest to the other party and was still willing to listen.

Self Introduction

My name is Christopher DeNaples, I am a National Registry Paramedic for the last ten years and a paramedic instructor at a local community college. I have worked in a hospital based, as well as municipal EMS systems in northeast Pennsylvania. I am looking to further my career as a RN and this is the route I chose to take.

Some of the concerns I have with this route (ATP) is some of the instructions are very unclear to me personally. Some steps I will take to overcome this is to ask more detailed questions.

Hopefully, this course will have enough content and is delivered in a way that I am able to understand to prepare me to pass the exam. I am willing to continue this process and ultimately reach my goal in becoming an RN.