Saturday, August 9, 2014

Those Winter Sundays Essay (Class #3 Homework)

  Those Winter Sundays

"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden. My analysis of the short poem is that the writer is referring to his father who had good family values, work ethic and daily routine. The person had family values and worked very hard all week. He had the same routine weekdays, as well as every Sunday. The man is described as being a rugged type person.

He had values to work hard and take care of his family. The mans priority was not himself or body, which was shown from his "cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather" (line 3) but was to only care for his family and others. The man worked regardless of how exhausted or tired he was.

The individual worked hard all week at his place of employment. While at work he was very aggressive with his duties and very organized with his tasks. He "would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house." (line 9) His work ethic at home was also very structured with the same repetitive routine.

The routine of the man was his ambitious hard work each day of the week. As he said "polished my good shoes as well" (line 12) and dressed himself in a certain order and time of day every Sunday.

In conclusion the tone of this writer was very strong regarding this old time hard working person. He had shown good family values, work ethic and consistent routine. The poem was based on the individuals Sunday routine during the winter months. The writer is getting his point across to the readers that his character and habits were very strong and concise.



  1. Hi Christopher, Below is my critique for the essay.

    thinking...3.. you demonstrated analysis of the poem, I did feel the thesis was lacking your own original ideas.

    organization....3.. the writing is easy to follow and clear based off the thesis. presented each piece in clear meaningful steps. I liked that it was very easy to read.

    language...3...I felt you could of used more emphasis on key words such as "cracked hands" what type of work did this man do?

    Mechanics....3... looks good to me, possibly missing some commas and the authors name in front of the line numbers. The mechanics did not take away from the writing. I could read easily.

    total score 16.

  2. I’m not really sure what you got out of this poem. Your essay seems formulaic and sparse. What does hard-working mean? Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Overall, your style itself is good; however, you also need the substance and analysis there to make the essay strong.

    Critical Thinking: 3. I can see by the conclusion that you have the actual critical thinking component there; however, the essay itself is a synopsis and not an analysis piece.
    Organization: 3. Overall, You have the structure and necessary elements for the essay. However, some transition sentences are necessary for flow and the thesis statement needs to be clearly identified.
    Evidence: 3. You have chosen good quotes and explained most of them clearly. Just remember to tie the material back into your thesis. Also, review your MLA citation.
    Language: 4. Your writing is clear and concise. You can play with rhetorical devices for added emphasis.
    Mechanics: 5. Little to no grammatical concerns. Well done.
